Flexibility During Unusual Times, Plus New Paintings

Flexibility During Unusual Times, Plus New Paintings

.  The on again and off again Silicon Valley Open Studios (SVOS) situation has resulted in something entirely new and exciting, an Online Open Studio hosted via Visual Philosophy Studio. Read on to learn the whole story and a little bit about the nine new paintings...
How this workshop influenced my paintings this month

How this workshop influenced my paintings this month

I spent the first weekend of this month, August 2019, in the basement of the NUMU Art Museum in Los Gatos, California. No, I wasn’t locked away in some sort of artists’ purgatory suffering a horrible punishment for my artistic crimes. I was attending the...
A New Perspective from a New Studio

A New Perspective from a New Studio

At the beginning of the month, my husband and I became the proud occupiers of Studio E at the School of Visual Philosophy. “Studio E” makes me think of Sheila E and Prince from the 1980s and so every time I say it, I feel like I’ve been enveloped in...
Interviewed By Exceptional 2 Infinity

Interviewed By Exceptional 2 Infinity

The talented Cassandra Nelson of Exceptional 2 Infinity has interviewed me as a Spotlight Artist for her showcase of artists that create positive art. Per Cassandra, “Positive Art, depicted in various mediums, is created with the intention of drawing the viewer...
start saying YES

start saying YES

I just finished reading Shonda Rhimes’ book, “Year of Yes”, and WOW. I rarely read celebrity books, in fact, right at this moment I can’t even think of one celebrity book I’ve read. This one I made an exception for, and maybe you should,...