A Little Quirky is OK

Title: A Little Quirky is OK

Size: 9 inches x 12 inches

mixed media on 140 lb watercolor paper

Some quirky flowers on a cheerful yellow background. Inspired by zinnias, my favorite flower, these guys are beckoning you to smile, lighten up, and spice up your day with a little play. Loosen up and let your quirky side shine!

Zinnias are amazing flowers. They easily sprout up from seed in a rainbow of colorful large blooms, they grow nice long stems suitable for cuttings that last for many days in a vase, they bloom all summer long into the fall, and best of all, you can’t help but smile when you admire them.


carefree zinnias smiling at me in my art studio

Zinnias smiling at me in my art studio

Jun 16, 2016

One-Day Event Unique Artworks Available

We’re once again hosting the Handmade for the Holidays Art Show and Sale at Visual Philosophy Studios this year. It will coincide with the Second Saturdays on The Alameda, on Saturday, December 9th, 11am-5pm. We’ll have lots of artists with their artwork and handmade items for sale. If you’re looking for a unique gift for someone special, then you’ll want to stop by.

2023 HARK! Holiday Art Show and Sale at KALEID Gallery

I'm participating in the 2023 HARK! Holiday Art Show and Sale at KALEID Gallery again this year with four affordable 8x8 inch paintings (see above), three of them are new and haven't been shown in public before. The opening of the show will be on Friday, December 1st,...

Painting inspired by Mural at Leif Erikson Park

I recently had the opportunity to think about what community spirit means to me and realized my experience painting a mural at a local park was the perfect example. I’ve submitted this new painting to the City of San José’s Office of Cultural Affairs’ Public Art Program as an example of community spirit and resilience.

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